Eugene: Sometimes we all wonder how things come to be. A chain of events: A leads to B leads to C leads to Z. Each life is made up of big decisions and each day is made up of a million little decisions. What shirt to wear, what street to walk on, what to eat for lunch. Now all of these seemingly inconsequential choices may change your life forever. But who can handle that kind of responsibility? It would paralyze you to think about it. So you have to trust your instinct, what the Greeks might call your character. You better pray to whatever god you believe in that your character knows what the hell it's doing. I thought I was a man of character. Good character. Then I made a mistake. A bad one that changed everything. That's why I found myself walking into a lousy L.A. bar to buy some Phenolcitrate---synthetic heroin, my personal favorite. See, when I got high, the chain of events disappeared. No past, no future, just the sweet and sticky now. But before I could get home that night with my bag of goodies something happened. I did a good thing. One good deed that started another chain that I wasn't ready for. A ride I had no business taking.
[Eugene is drinking cough syrup.]
Claire: Funny, I didn't hear you coughing.
Cage: [answering phone] Gage.
Raymond: It's Raymond Blossom.
Gage: Do I know you?
Raymond: As well as you can know someone you have under 24 hour surveillance.
Gage: Oh, that Raymond Blossom.
[At a Lakers game.]
Claire: C'mon! Take it to the hole!
Raymond: Oh, baby! I love it when you talk dirty!
Agent: I'm with the FBI!
Eugene: What do you want?
Agent: I want you to let go of my neck!
Claire: How did you lose your license?
Eugene: I was operating on a patient and the patient died.
Claire: Was it your fault?
Eugene: I was under the influence of narcotics and methamphetamines at the time, so yes, you could say it was my fault.
Claire: How long ago was it?
Eugene: Ten months, five days... what time is it now?
Eugene: Now I get to use a phrase I always wanted to use in med school: take your clothes off and get under the sheets.
Eugene: Alone at last!
Claire: You must be somebody who's always on the lookout for a new way to fuck up.
Eugene: Why is it that you always find me so objectionable?
Claire: Other than the fact that you're a drug addict and the only patients you treat are criminals?
Eugene: You mean your associates? I'm not a drug addict. I take drugs to feel normal, to get level. I regulate my intake very precisely.
Claire: I'm sorry, that's right, you're a highly trained professional. You should know.
Eugene: No, you were actually right the first time- I'm just basically always looking for a new way to fuck up.
Eugene: I don't know what I'm doing here.
Claire: You're dancing.
Eugene: That's a matter of opinion.
[During a car chase.]
Raymond: Use the Force, Luke!
Claire: Stop the car!
Raymond: Stop the car?! THIS IS A CAR CHASE! I went to considerable expense to set this up. We can't just stop!
Claire: Where are we?
Eugene Sands: My family's summer home. When I was a kid, whenever a friend of mine would get shot, I'd bring him here.
Eugene: Thanks for getting shot.
Claire: Anytime.
[Eugene is being hidden from the mob by the FBI]
FBI guy: Don't worry, we'll protect you.
Eugene: Yeah, I saw your work at Ruby Ridge.
Raymond: Dr. Eugene Sands?
Eugene: How do you know my name?
Raymond: Took an interest.
Eugene: I'm sorry, you are?
Raymond: Oh, I'm sorry. Raymond Blossom.
Eugene: You gonna hurt me?
Raymond: You asking because you're afraid or because you want me to?
Eugene: Just trying to plan my day.
Raymond: Oh, man, if I'm interfering with your plans, please forgive me. It's just I was so knocked out by what you did last night I said I gotta meet this guy. That's it. That's all there is to it. Medical Science amazes me.
Eugene: Is kidnapping the only way you can meet new friends?
Raymond: You've got to EMBRACE your criminal self!
Claire: Maybe he doesn't have a criminal self.
Young Gangster: You gonna kill me?
Eugene: No, but I know where to shoot you so you'll be in diapers for the rest of your life!
Raymond: You think I'm criminal?
Eugene: I think you're about as much of a criminal as I'm a doctor.
Raymond: And you're a very good doctor.
Eugene Sands: Hell does not always look like hell. On a good day, it can look a lot like L.A.
Eugene Sands: Tonight, I said to myself, "I will not get high." I might just as well have said to myself, "Tonight, I will not breathe."
Raymond: what does it look like I'm doing? I'm fucking everybody!